In Memoriam
This page is dedicated to GILEE Graduates who fell in the line of duty.
Colonel Jear Davidov (1979 - 2023)
Brigadier General Ahuva Tommer (1957 - 2010)
On December 2, 2010, Commander (Colonel) Ahuva Tomer, the chief of the Haifa Police, had been driving behind a bus of prison guards rushing to evacuate a prison when both vehicles were engulfed in flames. She suffered severe burns and succumbed to her injuries four days later and was laid to rest on December 6. She is a graduate of the GILEE training program in Georgia (2007) and was promoted to Brigadier General after her death.
The following links include the eulogy given by the Sub District Commander, several articles on Brigadier General Tomer in Hebrew, and a Jerusalem Post article in English.