Why Support GILEE?
Partners Against Crime - Enhancing Public Safety
The award-winning Georgia International Law Enforcement Exchange (GILEE) is a joint project of Georgia State University and local, state, federal, and international law enforcement and public safety agencies.
GILEE’s extensive community partnerships provide tangible benefits to the law enforcement community, corporate security, business community, and the general community at large. Since GILEE’s inception in 1992, more than 1,300 law enforcement officials have participated in over 300 different programs, and more than 300 professional special briefings, seminars, workshops, training sessions and conferences were offered featuring more than 1,000 expert speakers and trainers on issues related to homeland security, public safety, community policing and law enforcement to more than 45,000 officers, public safety, and corporate security officials in or from 23 states and 12 countries.
Through GILEE’s international peer-to-peer on-site programs law enforcement leaders study best practices and the latest advances in community policing, counterterrorism, emergency management, advanced technologies, and homeland security policies. GILEE professional training programs provide graduates with training credits and recognition from state and international accrediting bodies. The U.S. Department of Justice and the U.S. Department of Treasury recognize GILEE as a professional educational training program.
Vernon M. Keenan
Director, Georgia Bureau of Investigation (2003 - 2019)
The GILEE Program greatly enhances the professional development of Georgia law enforcement executives through personnel interaction with criminal justice officials in other countries. Participants in GILEE are exposed to crime problems that cross national borderlines and are provided with realistic measures to combat these problems.
Stacey L. Cotton
Chief, Covington Police Department (1997 - 2023)
With the amount of information received the delegation was able to clearly learn the lesson of dealing with ongoing terrorist acts while at the same time dealing with normal criminal activity and a host of other social issues police have to deal with all around the world.
Denise Downer-McKinney
Chief, Rome Police Department
The phenomenal GILEE program makes us think outside the box, understand the importance of building and maintaining strong relationships and partnerships. It is critical that we continue to work diligently to forge and build public and private partnerships in our local communities and throughout Georgia.